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    1. 雅斤


      来自 八卦图说

    2. godbye

      回复: 国内拍中产生活的确实少,赵利文的《别墅人家》就拍的相当好,当然其中的困难也是难以想象的……

      来自 八卦图说

    Life in the trailer

    Carlos Anthony Espinoza, Amanda S Mc Cormick, and their son Nosferatu Joshua Espinoza have been living in the trailer at Robinson Trailer Park in Athens, Ohio for 9 years. Because of the raised price of their previous apartment, they decided to move out, and Amanda’s father brought this trailer for them by 6,000 dollars at 2005. Anthony is a sales assistant at Shoes Department Encore. Amanda is...

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    剩余物 这些看似抽象图案的照片是我在扫描底片的过程中发现的一些被毁坏或冲洗失误的图像。它们不是常规意义上真实的图像,但当将这些图像组合在一起时会产生一种类似于抽象绘画的美感。胶片的不确定性使这些图像看上去非常神秘而富有诗意。 Residual These patterns, abstract as they seem, are the images that are found damaged or mis-developed when I scan their negatives. They are not real images in the com...

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    来美国后一直在研究沃夫冈 提尔门斯的布展,越来越发现摄影作为创作媒介的单纯,而如何在展览中通过照片的尺寸,摆放,和各种排列组合来将作品的气质凝聚起来,显得是如此的重要。每一次展览都是一次在空间中的演绎。而对于照片间节奏感的控制和观众视线的预设。使观看的本身也成为了作品的一部分。

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    融冰 将内容为火焰的照片放入水中, 于冰箱冷冻。并在展览开幕时将照片取出,放在展厅中使其自然融化。我试图通过融冰这一过程,赋予摄影更多形而上学的意义。这种仪式感超越了摄影的常规定义,类似于我的精神图腾。 Melting Ice Images of fire, are put into water and then frozen in refrigerator. They are to be taken out just when the show begins and melt naturally at the gallery. In doing this, I am referen...

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